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​​​Paladin Deception Services​
Deception is the most necessary art in life.​
- Sophocles

*Fictitious References​
*White Lies​​
The Trusted Name in Covert Disinformation
DDependable, Quality Service Since 2009itle. Double click me.
Frequently Asked Questions:

Paladin Deception Services Is The Leading Fictitious Reference Provider.
Q) Is it legal to use fictitious references on a resume or application?​
A) Yes, it is perfectly legal! As long as you follow the guidelines set forth under Paladin Deception Services TERMS.
​ for you to tell a story and let your users k
Service Limits:​
Paladin Deception Service cares about the Public Good. We will not offer our services for any criminal conduct. Nor can we give references for any of the following, as it may jeopardize the Public's physical safety. These limits include, but shall not be limited to…
• No knowingly false statements will be made to any Sitting Court of Record.
• No References shall be given for any Loans whatsoever.
• No Employment with Law Enforcement Agencies.
• No Employment in Education (K thru. 12)
• No Employment giving Legal Advice.
• No Employment giving Medical Care of any kind.
• No Employment with any Federal, State, County or City Government Agency or Dept.
• No Employment with public or private Fire Departments.
• No Employment with public or private jails.
• Any other circumstance that Paladin Deception Services deems inappropriate.
Please read TERMS carefully.
Q) Why would I need to use a fictitious reference?​
A) There are countless reasons. Maybe you have gaps in your work history. Maybe you've worked under a supervisor who you are certain will not provide the reference you need, or you're short on a personal reference that will verify you. Countless employees have found it necessary to fudge on a job application, from customer service reps to CEOs. Oftentimes, a client simply needs a cover story for a gap in time needed for personal reasons. The reasons why clients turn to Paladin Deception Services are as varied as all the circumstances in life that need one form of verification or another.
Q) What if I get caught?​
A) As with all things, there are risks. If the deception is uncovered, you could very well be terminated from a job or be in trouble with a loved one or spouse.
Q) What is the normal set-up time for a fictitious reference, white lie or alibi?
A) Normally, a project can be implemented within 24 hours after we receive the necessary information from a client.​
Q) For each of your packages (Personal Reference, Professional Reference, White Lie or Alibi), are the rates the same?​
A) Packages 1 and 2 start at $89.00, which covers an average of two hours of time dedicated to each case.
Q) What do I get with my Package?​
A) Each Package includes:
1. One fictitious reference or verification script.
2. One dedicated phone number in the city of your choice.
3. A male or female Verifier.
4. Unlimited use for each month of service.
Q) What if I need more than one reference, white lie or alibi?​
A) Additional fictitious testimonials can be added.
Q) Can you customize a Package to fit my special circumstances?​
A) Yes, absolutely! Paladin Deception Services can put together almost any fictitious scenario that you require.
Q) Will you tell me if anyone calls or writes? ​
A) Yes. We will follow up on any call with a debriefing.
Q) How does a typical operation go?​
A) Step 1: Call us for a free consultation.
Step 2: Paladin Deception Services will then email you the client data that you need to complete so we are able to tailor a package just for you. In addition, we'll send you a TERMS AGREEMENT document for you to review. When you sign up for our services, you have automatically agreed to adhere to the agreement.
Step 3: We will contact you again to confirm the data we've acquired and to fill in any gaps that could lead to any detection of your fictitious reference, white lie or alibi. We will also complete your payment via credit card or debit card. We can also accept payment through Paypal.
Step 4: We will set up your package and notify you when everything is in order. We can normally have a project in place within 24 hours.
You will then have the assurance that Paladin Deception Services will take unlimited calls on a dedicated phone number in the city of your choice.
We will update you with every call we receive and transcribe to you the details. We have subtle, yet effective techniques for every issue you require.
​Q) Who can use your services?​
A) Any adult (18 years of age or older). Our clients vary from frustrated employees looking to make a change, job applicants with limited references for their employment history or verifiable job skills; persons of every kind who need every kind of verifications: even partners dealing with suspicious spouses, girlfriends or boyfriends.
Q) What about my privacy concerns?​
A) Your privacy is among our highest priorities. Paladin Deception Services prides itself in its confidentiality.
Questions? Contact us today!
Or Email us using the message board below:
Hours of Service:
Monday through Saturday
8 AM - 6 PM Central Time
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